September 16, 2022 JI Products

If you want to keep your skin looking beautiful and youthful, you must know what foods to avoid and which ones to add to your diet. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids are best for our skin. They are known to help rejuvenate the skin. If you eat plenty of fish, fatty fish, or seafood, you will notice an improvement in your skin in a short time. Flavoured yogurt When it comes to staying beautiful, you need to eat healthily. That means avoiding unhealthy foods like flavoured yogurt. These foods are high in sugar, which is not good for your…

September 8, 2022 JI Products

Getting rid of bulky items can be expensive and all too often inconvenient. Thankfully, there are ways to save money on bulky waste removal services from taking the time to recycle your bulky furniture to calling up your local rubbish removal company who can remove unwanted items for a low cost. Read our article further to learn those money-saving tips. Accepted items for free bulky waste collection When you have an extra item that cannot be placed in a trash bin, it may be eligible for a low-cost rubbish removal company collection or a free bulky waste collection. Common bulky…

August 31, 2020 JI Products

Want to know how to have better skin? With the right skincare rituals and system, you can really improve your skin dramatically in just a few weeks. There is a secret to having better, more radiant skin: proper hydration. You want to have a clear complexion that has a healthy glow. The problem is that most people simply do not get the amount of moisture that they need to have an even complexion. This can be solved by using a product called Hyaluronic Acid. It has the ability to reduce the signs of aging while revitalizing your skin, making it…

March 11, 2017 JI Products

With the spring time nearly upon us, it only means one thing SUN! The feeling of the warm sun beating down on your fresh face is a feeling that every woman enjoy. However, the idea of going outside with minimal to no makeup on can be daunting. If you are not happy with your skin or if you are trying to get rid of those pesky blemishes and pimples, there is only one thing for it! Having a good skin care routine. These skin care tips will give you the perfect skin to brave a no make-up day and allow…

April 6, 2017 JI Products

Are you looking for ways to clear your skin of blemishes before summer hits us? There are a number of ways you can improve the appearance of your skin and hair naturally. Using natural solutions can also cut costs. (more…)

March 16, 2017 JI Products

Are more of us becoming Vegan? It appears so. Statistics from last year have shown that more and more people are becoming vegan. Millennials are becoming increasingly concerned about cruelty to animals, climate change and how animal products are affecting their own health. In 2016 Google searches for “vegan” reached an all-time high in the month of January! If you are thinking about becoming vegan but are wondering how will this effect your skincare regime, there are a number of vegan treatments out there. (more…)

March 13, 2017 JI Products

We all crave that movie star smile that turns the heads of passers-by. The photogenic pearly whites that have the town envious of your grin. Seems like an almost impossible dream, given the difficulties in achieving this. Whether its cost, logistics or finding a dentist you can trust, most miss out on their million-dollar smile, all because they don’t know how they can be helped. Teeth Whitening Glasgow prices are more affordable than ever and with the right cosmetic dentist, they could make your impossible dream a reality. The truth is that achieving this smile could be closer than you think….

September 10, 2018 JI Products

Thinking about changing your appearance? Not sure what treatment to get done? Don’t know a good plastic surgeon Glasgow? There is no need to worry, you will find all the information you need right here. With a variety of different facial treatments Glasgow, there will be something to suit your needs. This breakdown will give you a guide to the treatments available at Glasgow cosmetic surgery clinics and help you find the most suitable treatment. Make sure that before you go ahead with any treatments that you choose a provider that has filler and botox training. (more…)