October 27, 2022 JI Products

Promote your brand A blogger outreach campaign is an effective way to promote your brand and services through the work of bloggers. Bloggers write reviews and opinions about products and services for a fee. In return, the companies provide the bloggers with a product or service. Influential bloggers like mommy bloggers have a loyal following and can help you reach your target audience through word-of-mouth marketing. Blogger outreach service is an effective way to reach new audiences, increase brand awareness, increase exposure, and build a link profile. Using this method, you can introduce your products and services to huge audiences….

August 31, 2020 JI Products

Come to find out how we ensure to advertise and sell our products in the best way possible? As many of you know we only use our online platform to trade our wonderful products. We focus on our brand awareness through our Instagram platform now more than ever, and we now have come to realise how an Insta follow bot can help our business expand further. Instagram is now one of the top leading social media platforms used globally, and most if not all businesses use it on a day to day basis to connect to their audience. An Insta…

June 5, 2017 JI Products

The world is changing around us at an ever increasing rate. We have gone from phone’s in suitcases to phones in our pockets, from bricks to shards of glass. Not only that, the humble smartphone’s capability is well beyond anything we could have dreamt of 20 years ago. They can order us food, organise business meetings, arrange accomodation half a world away, video call people on a different continent, and buy our new shoes for us. That last part is particularly important. Businesses now live and die in the digital world, so the way they interact with their customers and…